Fall City II King County hearing examiner session

110+ members of the community attended this session and 8 people gave testimony. It was a fantastic turnout and showed the incredible momentum that Fall City has in fighting Taylor Developments and their inappropriate, illegal sub-division plans. The Hearing Examiner will publish their recommendation on Thursday February 7th. The most likely outcome is that they will be granting the permit with additional conditions to address community concerns.

Watch and listen to the session here.

Rachel S. outlined how King County has gaps in their development codes for rural towns like Fall City and requested denying the permits until the required regulations are implemented. Here is the presentation.

Carrie Lee G. from the FCCA roads committee brought concerns about the road study provided by Taylor Developments as it was conducted during non-peak use times of the Fall City elementary baseball fields. Along with other evidence, she requested a new study.

Angela H. from the FCCA sub-area committee outlined how the sub-area plan has attempted over a long period to restrict growth like this through larger minimum lot sizes.

Duane B. lives in Arrington Court, the development already created by Taylor Developments and built in 2021-22. He attested that the development has had septic design challenges, including being misled on their ability to use drainfield as open space. Neighbors have also had parking challenges and other frustrations with the development. He expressed his love for living in Fall City but acknowledged that the development is out of place and inappropriate for the neighborhood.

Megan B. weighed in on the presence of wildlife and the drainage tests being conducted during a dry spell. The lot has a local history of having poor drainage conditions.

Neighbors along SE 42nd.
3 residents along this street expressed concern over the placement of the access road onto SE 42nd, including the impacts on kids walking to the middle school, lack of overflow parking and inadequate traffic studies.

Additional testimony
Other community members attested to the inadequate plans for services and incongruent nature of the proposals with the rural character of Fall City.


Fall City II Hearing Examiner Decision